Important Dates:
Mar. 5 Teacher Consultation day – no school
Mar. 11 Book Orders due
Mar. 15 – Professional Development – no school
Mar. 26 Book read for book report
Mar. 31-Book reports due
April 5-9 Spring Break
* Planners need to be signed by parents and reading minutes recorded and turned in on Mondays. Please help your student remember this.
*Response Journals need to come back on Tuesdays. I am only getting ¼ of the class returning these. Please help your child remember.
Thank you to all who donated to our Valentine’s Party! It was the BEST!!
Where did February go? I can’t believe it came and went so fast. With Spring quickly approaching, we have lots to do. If you could please help your child stay caught up that would be great. I have had a lot of students not bringing back homework.
Our Genre this month is Humor. We will be making a mini book for the book report this month. I will show some examples in class and get the students started and they will need to finish it on their own time. We will only work on it for a few days in class and the rest is homework.
Please encourage your student to read nightly and mark it in their planners. Please help your student by confirming his/her totals minutes and signing their planner each week.
We just finished our summary and theme unit. We are starting our point of view and informational text unit.
We just finished our unit on factors and multiples. We are starting patterns and then moving into fractions. Please continue helping your students with their multiplication facts
In social Studies we just finished our Mountain Man unit and the students have done some great google slides to present to their groups. We will be starting our Pioneer Unit.
We are studying about Energy. It has been so fun watching the students chain reaction machines and focusing on where the energy is stored and how it releases itself. We are having so much fun doing experiments and learning hands on. Your kids are amazing!
We are going to be writing a persuasive paper about which is better as a pet - - a dog or a cat? Always a fun one to read.
We have had A LOT of students absent from being sick, quarantined or out of town (anywhere from 1-10 kids a day). They are having a hard time trying to catch up on their school work as I am having a hard time trying to catch them up. If you could let me know if your student will not be in town. I could get some work ready for them, so they can be caught up when they come back. Also, if they are sick or quarantined I would be happy to bring stuff to your house or send it with a neighbor to put on your porch. We are learning lots of new things and if your student is not in class, it can be hard for them to catch up, especially in science. We do Science on Tuesday and Thursdays from 1:00-2:15. Most of that is hands on and hard to make up. We only have a few months of school left and a lot to cover.
I would like to thank everyone who has donated supplies to our classroom and our auction. I am putting them to good use.
Thank you to our room mom Mrs. Platts!! She has done such an amazing job with all of our parties and made the students masks. She has gone above and beyond in a crazy year!
Thank you for all of your support as parents. No wonder this class is amazing – they all have great examples!
Mar. 5 Teacher Consultation day – no school
Mar. 11 Book Orders due
Mar. 15 – Professional Development – no school
Mar. 26 Book read for book report
Mar. 31-Book reports due
April 5-9 Spring Break
* Planners need to be signed by parents and reading minutes recorded and turned in on Mondays. Please help your student remember this.
*Response Journals need to come back on Tuesdays. I am only getting ¼ of the class returning these. Please help your child remember.
Thank you to all who donated to our Valentine’s Party! It was the BEST!!
Where did February go? I can’t believe it came and went so fast. With Spring quickly approaching, we have lots to do. If you could please help your child stay caught up that would be great. I have had a lot of students not bringing back homework.
Our Genre this month is Humor. We will be making a mini book for the book report this month. I will show some examples in class and get the students started and they will need to finish it on their own time. We will only work on it for a few days in class and the rest is homework.
Please encourage your student to read nightly and mark it in their planners. Please help your student by confirming his/her totals minutes and signing their planner each week.
We just finished our summary and theme unit. We are starting our point of view and informational text unit.
We just finished our unit on factors and multiples. We are starting patterns and then moving into fractions. Please continue helping your students with their multiplication facts
In social Studies we just finished our Mountain Man unit and the students have done some great google slides to present to their groups. We will be starting our Pioneer Unit.
We are studying about Energy. It has been so fun watching the students chain reaction machines and focusing on where the energy is stored and how it releases itself. We are having so much fun doing experiments and learning hands on. Your kids are amazing!
We are going to be writing a persuasive paper about which is better as a pet - - a dog or a cat? Always a fun one to read.
We have had A LOT of students absent from being sick, quarantined or out of town (anywhere from 1-10 kids a day). They are having a hard time trying to catch up on their school work as I am having a hard time trying to catch them up. If you could let me know if your student will not be in town. I could get some work ready for them, so they can be caught up when they come back. Also, if they are sick or quarantined I would be happy to bring stuff to your house or send it with a neighbor to put on your porch. We are learning lots of new things and if your student is not in class, it can be hard for them to catch up, especially in science. We do Science on Tuesday and Thursdays from 1:00-2:15. Most of that is hands on and hard to make up. We only have a few months of school left and a lot to cover.
I would like to thank everyone who has donated supplies to our classroom and our auction. I am putting them to good use.
Thank you to our room mom Mrs. Platts!! She has done such an amazing job with all of our parties and made the students masks. She has gone above and beyond in a crazy year!
Thank you for all of your support as parents. No wonder this class is amazing – they all have great examples!